Mindset Unfiltered by Alexandra Legouix
Mindset Unfiltered by Alexandra Legouix
S6 Ep13: Steve Wood - Neuroscience principles to help you gain an insight into why you do what you do and how you can change the things that are keeping you stuck
After more than twenty years as a Director, Producer and Senior Executive in the fast paced, high - pressured, and very competitive world of television, Steve decided to use his experience to change his life, and the lives of others. TV gave him a privileged and unique opportunity to meet people who had overcome massive obstacles to achieve extraordinary success, and he made it his mission to discover what is it that separates those who triumph and those who struggle and fail.
Stephen uses simple, easy to understand neuroscience principles to help people and organisations gain an insight into why they do what they do and how they can change the things that are keeping them stuck and move forward to reach their goals.
In this utterly fascinating chat we discuss the conscious and subconscious mind; beliefs, behaviours, emotions and our self-Image; autopilot and how we can control it; breaking the “Terror Barrier”; how the language we use affects our life; and as always, so much more!
Steve’s step-by-step customised program is tailored specifically for the needs of your organisation. The Thrive Formula is delivered over 12-weeks and is designed to produce lasting change with tangible results.
You can get more information at https://leadersinmind.com or email steve@leadersinmind.com