Mindset Unfiltered by Alexandra Legouix

S2 EP4 - Part 1: Steve Clark - Stage 4 Bowel Cancer survivor and superhero: Diagnosis, dealing with the fear & positive mindset

January 13, 2020 Mindset Unfiltered by Alex Legouix Season 2 Episode 4

6 months before diagnosis my dear friend Steve was a very healthy athlete (he was a high standard runner, martial artist and yogi). Suddenly his life changed completely. In this first episode of three, Steve opens up about his diagnosis of Stage 4 Bowel Cancer.  Quoting his doctor who said: "Generally speaking a bowel cancer tumour is somewhere between a 20p and 50p piece... yours is 21cm long, 6.5cm wide" Not only this but Steve had fast growing secondaries in both the liver and the lungs.

In this episode, he talks about:

His diagnosis

How he told friends and relatives - and discusses how it affected them.

Some of the major things he learnt about how important it was to let people help, allow them in, allow them to be there for him. 

Dealing with the fear of having to have a colostomy.

His operation and his 'dance card'.

He talks about how his positive mindset has been a life line for his journey.

I am so proud to call him my friend.

There is so much more to tell you and I will add to this over the next episodes but for now Ill let him begin the story with you...

Please do share this. So many people are affected by cancer and you never know who this may help.

PLEASE follow Steve on 



as he helps continue to raise funds and awareness for Bowel Cancer.